Angel Michael

Angel Michael
The Four Angels of God

The Four Angels that very close to God

Pray to Angels everyday 3 times a day. and light candle that represents to their colors.. use cone candle.. for effective prayers and to be granted for 13 to 14 consecutive days.

Know the secret of Prayers be granted.

Angel Michael - Red cone candle

Angel Auriel - Yellow cone candle

Angel Gabriel - Blue cone candle

Angel Raphael - White cone candle.


Angel Michael and Angel Auriel

light red and Yellow cone candle.. if you ask for Jobs, business, wealth.

Angel Gabriel and Angel Raphael

light Blue and White cone candle.. ask for health, knowledge, examination, love, peace and Unity for the Family, friends.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Angel Michael

O Glorious Michael Archangel, Prince of the Angels and chief of the army of heavenly ministers of God, by your dignity and power you triumphed over the pride and chief ruler of hell, Lucifer; We beg of you most respectfully the help of God do that we may reach the kingdom of God our Father.

Despise not our petitions and pray for us that we may die in the great love of God, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our salvation. Amen.

The Most Powerful Angel and closest to God, light Red cone candle with partner angel Auriel.

Archangel Uriel

Angel Uriel

O Great Angel uriel, we acknowledge that you are a source of light, So we ask that you pray for us so that we may be guided along the path of righteousness. Come to our assistance and pour the light of wisdom in our souls.

We humbly beseech you to continue shedding light in our minds so that we may walk along the road to sanctity and reach the portals of heaven. Amen.

Ask Angel Auriel, for wealth, prosperity, Jobs, business with partner Angel Michael, and the cone candle is Yellow. light for 13 to 14 consecutive days 3 times a day for 5 mins. (15 mins)

Archangel Gabriel

Angel Gabriel

O Blessed Angel Gabriel, special messenger and representative of the creator of the Universe, may you be the symbol of the weapon to overcome temptations of the flesh, come to our assistance so we may triumph over the enemies of our soul.

Pray that we may bear with patience and joy the sufferings of this earthly life which will lead to everlasting kingdom of heaven. Amen.

Angel Gabriel is the Angel of love, Peace, Unity, knowledge. Light blue candle and partner with Angel Raphael.

Archangel Raphael

Angel Raphael Prayer

O Beloved Angel Raphael, The remedy of God for the welfare of men, we ask you most humbly that you assist and heal all our ailments, especially the ills of the souls.

Grant that by your intercession,we may obtain the grace that will make us enjoy everlasting happines in heaven. Amen.

Light White cone candle for 13 to 14 days at least 5 mins in the morning, afternoon, and evening Ask angel Raphael for healing. these four angels are the disciple and very close to God.

3x a day

making a gif